A Few Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Filing For Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be an invaluable tool for those that have found themselves in an untenable financial situation. However, this process can be rather complicated, and it is important for you to have as much information as possible so that you understand what to expect from this type of legal proceeding. Will You Ever Be Able To Rebuild Your Credit Following A Bankruptcy Filing? There is a common notion among some individuals that it will essentially be impossible for them to rebuild their credit history following a bankruptcy filing. [Read More]

Considering Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Soon? 2 Mistakes To Avoid Before You File

If you have already made the decision to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy in the near future to give yourself a much-needed financial fresh start, you need to know what not to do before you file. The financial decisions you make during the several months before you file can have a huge impact on your case and your financial life after your debt is "erased." Be sure to contact a bankruptcy lawyer at least several months before you file so he or she can inform you of other " [Read More]

Worried About What The Boss Will Say If You File For Bankruptcy? Your Fears Are Probably Unfounded

Will your boss find out that you filed for bankruptcy? While this question can concern a lot of people who are facing serious financial problems, most people don't need to be as stressed as they are over the idea. This is why. Your boss may not even find out. It used to be the norm for bankruptcy filings to be printed in the local newspaper in order to notify your creditors—but the large number of bankruptcy filings that have happened in recent decades have made that impractical and most courts have abandoned the practice. [Read More]

Worried About Eviction? What A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing Can And Cannot Do To Help

Among the issues that could lead to bankruptcy filing, keeping a roof over you and your family's head is one of the most important. If you are behind on your rent, your landlord can take legal actions to ensure that you vacate your home, and normally this can only be prevented with getting caught up on the past due rent. If you are considering a bankruptcy filing, you may be wondering if you can put a stop to an eviction. [Read More]