Why You Need A Lawyer For Your Bankruptcy Case

While needing to file for bankruptcy means that you are not in the best place financially, it doesn't mean you can skip getting a lawyer to help you out. Here are some reasons that you need a lawyer on your side through the entire process. Your Lawyer May Discover You Don't Need Bankruptcy If you are not 100% positive that you need to use bankruptcy, it can be very helpful to have a lawyer look over your case. [Read More]

Proper Disclosure Is the Key to a Stress-Free Bankruptcy Process

Filing for bankruptcy is designed to give you a clean financial slate. It is supposed to shield you from the unrelenting pressure of unscrupulous creditors, giving you enough room to allow you to get to your feet. However, when not done right, filing for bankruptcy can end up being a stressful process. One of the things that can complicate this process is failing to disclose all the necessary information required by the law. [Read More]

When Your Landlord Has Had Enough: What To Know About Bankruptcy And Evictions

Dealing with bill collectors and ponying up for those high minimum payments on credit cards are bad enough, but when you're afraid that you are about to lose the roof over your head, it gets serious. If some bad financial decisions have you considering the bankruptcy option, you should know that you may be able to put your landlord off for a bit longer, at least temporarily. Read on to learn more details about using bankruptcy to give you more time in your rental home. [Read More]

Feeling Like A Failure: Dealing With The Emotional Aspects Of Bankruptcy

The decision to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy is, for most people, one of the most difficult of their lives. In spite of what many think, admitting that your financial situation has gotten so out of control that you have to rely on a legal procedure to discharge debt can be devastating. Bankruptcy is not meant as a quick and easy method of turning your back on your debt, it's usually more a move of desperation. [Read More]