What Are The Effects Of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy On Your Credit?

Before filing a Chapter 7 case, you should learn as much as you can about bankruptcy. What benefits does Chapter 7 offer for your debts? How long will it take? How will it affect your credit? Asking about the effects it has on your credit is a wise question to discuss with your bankruptcy attorney as it can help you determine if you should file. Here are some of the effects that you can expect with your credit if you use Chapter 7 bankruptcy. [Read More]

Filing For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy? Be Sure To Do These 4 Things

If you are getting close to filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, there are a lot of things that need to be done before you get all your paperwork submitted. Here is a list of important things to do before you officially file. File Before Any Negative Actions Are Taken Against You Being in debt can lead to a lot of tough situations to be in. There may be a judgment against you where your wages are garnished, or you are given an eviction notice from your home or apartment. [Read More]

What Are The Three Most Common Types Of Bankruptcy?

With the increase in the cost of living and a loss of jobs due to once-successful businesses having to close, remaining financially stable has become much more difficult for some families. When this occurs, it is not uncommon for some people to file bankruptcy to get relief from their debt. The type of bankruptcy a person files depends mainly on how much and what type of debt they have and if they wish to keep any of the possessions they owe money on. [Read More]

3 Issues (And How To Fix Them) You May Face After Filing Bankruptcy

From an accumulation of credit card debt or an excessive amount of medical bills to the loss of income after an injury or termination of employment, there are many reasons why someone would need to file bankruptcy. Unfortunately, many people believe filing bankruptcy is a form of failure. In reality, it is actually more common than most people think. If you are currently in the process of filing bankruptcy, you may be wondering what happens afterwards. [Read More]